LightsprintSDK 2021.08.08
This is the complete list of members for rr::RRLight, including all inherited members.
blendAkima(unsigned numSamples, const RRLight **samples, const RRReal *times, RRReal time) | rr::RRLight | |
blendLinear(const RRLight &sample0, const RRLight &sample1, RRReal blend) | rr::RRLight | |
castShadows | rr::RRLight | |
color | rr::RRLight | |
createDirectionalLight(const RRVec3 &direction, const RRVec3 &color, bool linear) | rr::RRLight | static |
createPointLight(const RRVec3 &position, const RRVec3 &irradianceAtDistance1) | rr::RRLight | static |
createPointLightNoAtt(const RRVec3 &position, const RRVec3 &irradianceAtDistance1) | rr::RRLight | static |
createPointLightPoly(const RRVec3 &position, const RRVec3 &colorCustom, RRVec4 polynom) | rr::RRLight | static |
createPointLightRadiusExp(const RRVec3 &position, const RRVec3 &colorLinear, RRReal radius, RRReal fallOffExponent) | rr::RRLight | static |
createSpotLight(const RRVec3 &position, const RRVec3 &irradianceAtDistance1, const RRVec3 &majorDirection, RRReal outerAngleRad, RRReal fallOffAngleRad) | rr::RRLight | static |
createSpotLightNoAtt(const RRVec3 &position, const RRVec3 &irradianceAtDistance1, const RRVec3 &majorDirection, RRReal outerAngleRad, RRReal fallOffAngleRad) | rr::RRLight | static |
createSpotLightPoly(const RRVec3 &position, const RRVec3 &colorCustom, RRVec4 polynom, const RRVec3 &majorDirection, RRReal outerAngleRad, RRReal fallOffAngleRad, RRReal spotExponent) | rr::RRLight | static |
createSpotLightRadiusExp(const RRVec3 &position, const RRVec3 &colorLinear, RRReal radius, RRReal fallOffExponent, const RRVec3 &majorDirection, RRReal outerAngleRad, RRReal fallOffAngleRad) | rr::RRLight | static |
customData | rr::RRLight | |
direction | rr::RRLight | |
DIRECTIONAL enum value | rr::RRLight | |
directLambertScaled | rr::RRLight | |
DistanceAttenuationType enum name | rr::RRLight | |
distanceAttenuationType | rr::RRLight | |
enabled | rr::RRLight | |
EXPONENTIAL enum value | rr::RRLight | |
fallOffAngleRad | rr::RRLight | |
fallOffExponent | rr::RRLight | |
fixInvalidValues() | rr::RRLight | |
getIrradiance(const RRVec3 &receiverPosition, const RRColorSpace *colorSpace) const | rr::RRLight | virtual |
name | rr::RRLight | |
NONE enum value | rr::RRLight | |
operator delete(void *p, std::size_t n) | rr::RRUniformlyAllocated | |
operator delete[](void *p, std::size_t n) | rr::RRUniformlyAllocated | |
operator new(std::size_t n) | rr::RRUniformlyAllocated | |
operator new[](std::size_t n) | rr::RRUniformlyAllocated | |
operator!=(const RRLight &a) const | rr::RRLight | |
operator=(const RRLight &) | rr::RRLight | |
operator==(const RRLight &a) const | rr::RRLight | |
outerAngleRad | rr::RRLight | |
POINT enum value | rr::RRLight | |
polynom | rr::RRLight | |
POLYNOMIAL enum value | rr::RRLight | |
position | rr::RRLight | |
projectedTexture | rr::RRLight | |
radius | rr::RRLight | |
REALISTIC enum value | rr::RRLight | |
RRLight() | rr::RRLight | |
RRLight(const RRLight &) | rr::RRLight | |
rtNumShadowmaps | rr::RRLight | |
rtShadowmapAutomaticNearFar | rr::RRLight | |
rtShadowmapBias | rr::RRLight | |
rtShadowmapFar | rr::RRLight | |
rtShadowmapNear | rr::RRLight | |
rtShadowmapSize | rr::RRLight | |
SPOT enum value | rr::RRLight | |
spotExponent | rr::RRLight | |
Type enum name | rr::RRLight | |
type | rr::RRLight | |
~RRLight() | rr::RRLight | inlinevirtual |