LightsprintSDK 2021.08.08
File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 Ed.hLightsprintGL | 3d scene editor with global illumination
 FBO.hLightsprintGL | render target manipulation
 Plugin.hLightsprintGL | renderer plugin interface
 PluginAccumulation.hLightsprintGL | accumulates frames, outputs average
 PluginBloom.hLightsprintGL | bloom postprocess
 PluginContours.hLightsprintGL | contours postprocess
 PluginCube.hLightsprintGL | renders to given cubemap
 PluginDOF.hLightsprintGL | depth of field postprocess
 PluginFPS.hLightsprintGL | fps counter and renderer
 PluginLensFlare.hLightsprintGL | lens flare postprocess
 PluginOculus.hLightsprintGL | support for Oculus SDK 1.8 devices
 PluginOpenVR.hLightsprintGL | support for OpenVR devices
 PluginPanorama.hLightsprintGL | renders 360 degree panorama
 PluginScene.hLightsprintGL | renders given objects and lights
 PluginShowDDI.hLightsprintGL | modifies PluginScene parameters to show detected direct illumination
 PluginSky.hLightsprintGL | renders sky
 PluginSSGI.hLightsprintGL | screen space global illumination postprocess
 PluginStereo.hLightsprintGL | stereo render
 PluginToneMapping.hLightsprintGL | tone mapping
 PluginToneMappingAdjustment.hLightsprintGL | tone mapping adjustment
 PreserveState.hLightsprintGL | helpers for preserving OpenGL state
 Program.hLightsprintGL | GLSL program with vertex and fragment shaders
 RealtimeLight.hLightsprintGL | extends RRLight for realtime rendering with GI
 Renderer.hLightsprintGL | plugin based renderer
 RRSolverGL.hLightsprintGL | OpenGL based RRSolver
 Texture.hLightsprintGL | texture, OpenGL wrapper around RRBuffer with 2d or cube data
 TextureRenderer.hLightsprintGL | helper for rendering 2D or cube texture
 UberProgram.hLightsprintGL | generic GLSL program parametrized using #defines
 UberProgramSetup.hLightsprintGL | parameter management for our UberProgram in UberShader.vs/fs
 IO.hLightsprintIO | import and export of scenes, textures, videos, vertex buffers, materials
 RRBuffer.hLightsprintCore | buffer is array of elements (texture, vertex buffer..)
 RRCamera.hLightsprintCore | RRCamera, camera with stereo and panorama support
 RRCollider.hLightsprintCore | fast ray-mesh intersections
 RRDebug.hLightsprintCore | tools for logging and debugging
 RRFileLocator.hLightsprintCore | helper for locating files
 RRHash.hLightsprintCore | hashing helper
 RRIllumination.hLightsprintCore | storage for calculated illumination
 RRLight.hLightsprintCore | spot, point and directional lights
 RRMaterial.hLightsprintCore | material
 RRMath.hLightsprintCore | basic math support
 RRMemory.hLightsprintCore | base elements related to memory allocation
 RRMesh.hLightsprintCore | 3d triangle mesh interface
 RRObject.hLightsprintCore | 3d object with geometry, materials, position etc
 RRScene.hLightsprintCore | 3d scene, collection of objects and lights
 RRSolver.hLightsprintCore | global illumination solver for dynamic scenes
 RRVector.hLightsprintCore | portable but limited std::vector replacement
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