LightsprintSDK 2021.08.08

Lightsprint supports three major types of inputs:

Files in standard formats (Collada, Gamebryo etc)

Third party data structures in memory (Unreal Engine 3, Gamebryo, FCollada etc)

  • LightsprintIO source code consists of 3rd party loaders and our adapters, that adapt 3rd party data structures into Lightsprint data structures, without duplicating data
  • instead of linking whole LightsprintIO, your project may directly use adapter source code src/LightsprintIO/Xxx/RRObjectXxx.cpp+h
  • Unreal Engine 3 structures in memory are adapted using src/LightsprintUE3/RRObjectUE3.cpp+h (see also UE3 intro)

Lightsprint data structures in memory