▼Nrr | LightsprintCore - graphics API independent realtime global illumination solver |
CRRAligned | |
CRRAlignedNonCopyable | Both aligned and non copyable, without sideeffects of multiple inheritance |
▼CRRBuffer | Buffer, array of elements |
CSaveParameters | Rarely used additional save parameters, not necessarily supported by all implementations |
CRRCamera | Camera - generates projection matrices for use in renderer, supports also stereo and panorama |
CRRCollider | Finds ray - trianglemesh intersections |
CRRCollisionHandler | Interface for non-trivial handling of collisions in collision test |
CRRColorSpace | Interface for custom color space |
CRRFileLocator | Provides possible file locations when exact location is not known |
CRRHash | Helper class that calculates/stores hash and converts it to filename |
CRRLight | Direct light source, directional/point/spot light with programmable function |
CRRLightField | GI precomputed in space |
CRRLights | Set of lights with interface similar to std::vector |
▼CRRMaterial | Description of material properties of a surface |
CProperty | Part of material description |
CResponse | |
CRRMaterials | Material library, collection of materials |
CRRMatrix3x4 | Matrix of 3x4 real numbers in row-major order |
CRRMatrix3x4Ex | Extended RRMatrix3x4, has built-in inverse matrix and several functions that use it |
▼CRRMesh | Common interface for any standard or proprietary triangle mesh structure |
CPreImportNumber | PreImport number, index of vertex or triangle before import |
CTangentBasis | Tangent basis in object space |
CTriangle | One triangle in mesh, defined by indices of its vertices |
CTriangleBody | Triangle in 3d space defined by one vertex and two side vectors. This representation is most suitable for intersection tests |
CTriangleMapping | Uv-coordinates of three vertices in triangle |
CTriangleNormals | Tangent bases in object space, for three vertices in triangle |
CRRMeshArrays | Mesh that exposes internal structures for direct read-write access |
▼CRRObject | Common interface for all proprietary object formats |
CFaceGroup | Specifies material assigned to a group of triangles |
CFaceGroups | Specifies materials assigned to all triangles |
CLayerParameters | Structure used by recommendLayerParameters() |
CLodInfo | Information about single object, its place in hierarchy of LODs |
CRRObjectIllumination | Data structure with object's illumination and more |
CRRObjects | Set of objects with interface similar to std::vector |
CRRPointMaterial | RRMaterial optimized for use in RRObject::getPointMaterial(), not for general use |
CRRRadiometricMeasure | Specification of radiometric measure; what is measured and what units are used |
CRRRay | Ray to intersect with object |
CRRReporter | Reporting messages |
CRRReportInterval | Reporting events with time taken |
CRRScene | 3d scene |
CRRSideBits | Boolean attributes of one side of a surface. Usually exist in array of two elements, for front and back side |
▼CRRSolver | Global illumination solver for interactive applications |
CCalculateParameters | Optional parameters of calculate() |
CFilteringParameters | Parameters of filtering in updateLightmap()/updateLightmaps() |
CMultipliers | Multipliers for tweaking contribution of various light sources. They work in physical scale |
CPathTracingParameters | |
CSmoothingParameters | Illumination smoothing parameters |
CUpdateParameters | Parameters for updateLightmap(), updateLightmaps() |
CRRString | Minimalistic string, for portable API |
CRRTime | Accurate timer |
CRRUniformlyAllocated | When used as base class, delete works correctly without regard who calls it |
CRRUniformlyAllocatedNonCopyable | When used as base class, object copying is not allowed |
CRRVec2 | Vector of 2 real numbers plus basic support |
CRRVec3 | Vector of 3 real numbers plus basic support |
CRRVec3p | Vector of 3 real numbers plus 4th number as a padding. Operators use only 3 components |
CRRVec4 | Vector of 4 real numbers. Operators use all 4 components |
CRRVector | Portable but limited, minimalistic std::vector replacement |
▼Nrr_ed | LightsprintEd - scene editor with global illumination |
CSceneViewerState | Optional parameters of sceneViewer() |
▼Nrr_gl | LightsprintGL - OpenGL based renderer that displays realtime global illumination |
CClipPlanes | Clipping plane values |
CFBO | Lets you set, save and restore render target |
CFpsCounter | |
CNamedCounter | Counter with ASCII name, helps plugin developers gather rendering statistics |
CPluginCreateRuntimeParams | Parameters sent to plugins at creation time. They are the same for all plugins |
CPluginParams | Parameters sent to plugins at render time. This is base class, plugins extend it, add custom parameters |
CPluginParamsAccumulation | Accumulates frames in time, outputs average of previous frames |
CPluginParamsBloom | Adds bloom effect on top of scene render (next plugin) |
CPluginParamsContours | Adds contours on top of scene render (next plugin) |
CPluginParamsCube | Renders scene (next plugin) into given cubemap. For comparison, other plugins render into current render target, which is always 2d |
CPluginParamsDOF | Adds depth of field effect, using current camera settings (camera is passed to renderer via PluginParamsShared) |
CPluginParamsFPS | Adds fps number to lower right corner |
CPluginParamsLensFlare | Adds lens flare effect |
CPluginParamsOculus | Renders scene (calls next plugin) twice, once for left eye, once for right eye |
CPluginParamsOpenVR | Renders scene (calls next plugin) twice, once for left eye, once for right eye |
CPluginParamsPanorama | Renders scene (calls next plugin) into cubemap, then transforms it back to 2d |
CPluginParamsScene | Renders scene, set of objects and lights |
CPluginParamsShared | Parameters shared by all plugins |
CPluginParamsShowDDI | Helper for visualizing per-triangle data sent to RRSolver::setDirectIllumination() |
CPluginParamsSky | Renders background or blend of backgrounds as they are set in given solver |
CPluginParamsSSGI | Adds screen space global illumination effect on top of scene render (next plugin) |
CPluginParamsStereo | Renders scene (calls next plugin) twice, once for left eye, once for right eye |
CPluginParamsToneMapping | Performs basic adjustments to output colors (brightness, contrast, saturation etc) |
CPluginParamsToneMappingAdjustment | |
CPluginRuntime | Runtime of single plugin, created and deleted by renderer |
CPreserveFlag | Faster preservation of flag |
CProgram | GLSL program |
CRealtimeLight | Runtime extension of RRLight, with structures needed for realtime GI rendering (shadowmaps etc) |
CRenderer | Modern plugin based renderer |
CRRSolverGL | Implementation of rr::RRSolver generic GPU operations using OpenGL 2.0 |
CTexture | Texture is simple OpenGL wrapper around rr::RRBuffer |
CTextureRenderer | Helper for render of 2D or cube (skybox) texture |
CToneParameters | Set of simple parameters that affect output color |
CUberProgram | GLSL program with preprocessor parameters changeable at runtime |
CUberProgramSetup | Options that change code of UberProgram made of UberShader.vs/fs |
CVRDevice | Common features of VR devices, e.g. positions of controllers |
Nrr_io | LightsprintIO - import and export of scenes, textures, vertex buffers, videos, materials |