LightsprintSDK 2021.08.08
Namespace List
Here is a list of all namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 NrrLightsprintCore - graphics API independent realtime global illumination solver
 CRRAlignedNonCopyableBoth aligned and non copyable, without sideeffects of multiple inheritance
 CRRBufferBuffer, array of elements
 CSaveParametersRarely used additional save parameters, not necessarily supported by all implementations
 CRRCameraCamera - generates projection matrices for use in renderer, supports also stereo and panorama
 CRRColliderFinds ray - trianglemesh intersections
 CRRCollisionHandlerInterface for non-trivial handling of collisions in collision test
 CRRColorSpaceInterface for custom color space
 CRRFileLocatorProvides possible file locations when exact location is not known
 CRRHashHelper class that calculates/stores hash and converts it to filename
 CRRLightDirect light source, directional/point/spot light with programmable function
 CRRLightFieldGI precomputed in space
 CRRLightsSet of lights with interface similar to std::vector
 CRRMaterialDescription of material properties of a surface
 CPropertyPart of material description
 CRRMaterialsMaterial library, collection of materials
 CRRMatrix3x4Matrix of 3x4 real numbers in row-major order
 CRRMatrix3x4ExExtended RRMatrix3x4, has built-in inverse matrix and several functions that use it
 CRRMeshCommon interface for any standard or proprietary triangle mesh structure
 CPreImportNumberPreImport number, index of vertex or triangle before import
 CTangentBasisTangent basis in object space
 CTriangleOne triangle in mesh, defined by indices of its vertices
 CTriangleBodyTriangle in 3d space defined by one vertex and two side vectors. This representation is most suitable for intersection tests
 CTriangleMappingUv-coordinates of three vertices in triangle
 CTriangleNormalsTangent bases in object space, for three vertices in triangle
 CRRMeshArraysMesh that exposes internal structures for direct read-write access
 CRRObjectCommon interface for all proprietary object formats
 CFaceGroupSpecifies material assigned to a group of triangles
 CFaceGroupsSpecifies materials assigned to all triangles
 CLayerParametersStructure used by recommendLayerParameters()
 CLodInfoInformation about single object, its place in hierarchy of LODs
 CRRObjectIlluminationData structure with object's illumination and more
 CRRObjectsSet of objects with interface similar to std::vector
 CRRPointMaterialRRMaterial optimized for use in RRObject::getPointMaterial(), not for general use
 CRRRadiometricMeasureSpecification of radiometric measure; what is measured and what units are used
 CRRRayRay to intersect with object
 CRRReporterReporting messages
 CRRReportIntervalReporting events with time taken
 CRRScene3d scene
 CRRSideBitsBoolean attributes of one side of a surface. Usually exist in array of two elements, for front and back side
 CRRSolverGlobal illumination solver for interactive applications
 CCalculateParametersOptional parameters of calculate()
 CFilteringParametersParameters of filtering in updateLightmap()/updateLightmaps()
 CMultipliersMultipliers for tweaking contribution of various light sources. They work in physical scale
 CSmoothingParametersIllumination smoothing parameters
 CUpdateParametersParameters for updateLightmap(), updateLightmaps()
 CRRStringMinimalistic string, for portable API
 CRRTimeAccurate timer
 CRRUniformlyAllocatedWhen used as base class, delete works correctly without regard who calls it
 CRRUniformlyAllocatedNonCopyableWhen used as base class, object copying is not allowed
 CRRVec2Vector of 2 real numbers plus basic support
 CRRVec3Vector of 3 real numbers plus basic support
 CRRVec3pVector of 3 real numbers plus 4th number as a padding. Operators use only 3 components
 CRRVec4Vector of 4 real numbers. Operators use all 4 components
 CRRVectorPortable but limited, minimalistic std::vector replacement
 Nrr_edLightsprintEd - scene editor with global illumination
 CSceneViewerStateOptional parameters of sceneViewer()
 Nrr_glLightsprintGL - OpenGL based renderer that displays realtime global illumination
 CClipPlanesClipping plane values
 CFBOLets you set, save and restore render target
 CNamedCounterCounter with ASCII name, helps plugin developers gather rendering statistics
 CPluginCreateRuntimeParamsParameters sent to plugins at creation time. They are the same for all plugins
 CPluginParamsParameters sent to plugins at render time. This is base class, plugins extend it, add custom parameters
 CPluginParamsAccumulationAccumulates frames in time, outputs average of previous frames
 CPluginParamsBloomAdds bloom effect on top of scene render (next plugin)
 CPluginParamsContoursAdds contours on top of scene render (next plugin)
 CPluginParamsCubeRenders scene (next plugin) into given cubemap. For comparison, other plugins render into current render target, which is always 2d
 CPluginParamsDOFAdds depth of field effect, using current camera settings (camera is passed to renderer via PluginParamsShared)
 CPluginParamsFPSAdds fps number to lower right corner
 CPluginParamsLensFlareAdds lens flare effect
 CPluginParamsOculusRenders scene (calls next plugin) twice, once for left eye, once for right eye
 CPluginParamsOpenVRRenders scene (calls next plugin) twice, once for left eye, once for right eye
 CPluginParamsPanoramaRenders scene (calls next plugin) into cubemap, then transforms it back to 2d
 CPluginParamsSceneRenders scene, set of objects and lights
 CPluginParamsSharedParameters shared by all plugins
 CPluginParamsShowDDIHelper for visualizing per-triangle data sent to RRSolver::setDirectIllumination()
 CPluginParamsSkyRenders background or blend of backgrounds as they are set in given solver
 CPluginParamsSSGIAdds screen space global illumination effect on top of scene render (next plugin)
 CPluginParamsStereoRenders scene (calls next plugin) twice, once for left eye, once for right eye
 CPluginParamsToneMappingPerforms basic adjustments to output colors (brightness, contrast, saturation etc)
 CPluginRuntimeRuntime of single plugin, created and deleted by renderer
 CPreserveFlagFaster preservation of flag
 CProgramGLSL program
 CRealtimeLightRuntime extension of RRLight, with structures needed for realtime GI rendering (shadowmaps etc)
 CRendererModern plugin based renderer
 CRRSolverGLImplementation of rr::RRSolver generic GPU operations using OpenGL 2.0
 CTextureTexture is simple OpenGL wrapper around rr::RRBuffer
 CTextureRendererHelper for render of 2D or cube (skybox) texture
 CToneParametersSet of simple parameters that affect output color
 CUberProgramGLSL program with preprocessor parameters changeable at runtime
 CUberProgramSetupOptions that change code of UberProgram made of UberShader.vs/fs
 CVRDeviceCommon features of VR devices, e.g. positions of controllers
 Nrr_ioLightsprintIO - import and export of scenes, textures, vertex buffers, videos, materials